San Francisco Department of Public Health
Shape Up San Francisco Coalition - Open Truth Campaign
San Francisco Safe Routes to School

In 2014, the team developed a new campaign called Open Truth that focusses on the predatory tactics used by the sugary drinks industry to target youth, low income communities, and communities of color. She led the Open Truth team in selecting and coordinating media consultants, developing all aspects of the campaign (visual, messaging, website content, launch, media placements, curriculum development, evaluation). Now she oversees the implementation of the campaign including managing the Open Truth social media channels and leading the effort to transcreate the campaign for Spanish speakers in San Francisco.
In addition to working with the SRTS team, Janna also worked with the leaders of the Southeast Food Access (SEFA) working group to write a proposal to fund their important work. The proposal outlines the problem of food security in the community, describes the purpose and accomplishments of SEFA, delineates the history and status of current retail projects, and identifies the needs and next steps to achieve SEFA’s goals. On a very limited budget and compact timeline, Janna conducted research, interviewed SEFA leaders, visited the community and interviewed the storeowner, secured professional photography services, and produced a succinct report that will be given to a group of potential funders.
Client Feedback
"In her role as a consultant, Janna is a vital part of our team working to decrease consumption of sugary beverages, most recently the campaign. She supports our work in a range of ways translating reams of technical peer-reviewed journal articles it into information lay people can understand; promoting our work over social media (twitter, FB, instagram); networking and bringing in new partners; grantwriting; managing the evaluation; and helps us with the mundane tasks (scheduling meetings across multiple peoples' busy schedules). All this work is done professionally, efficiently and independently. Janna is a tremendous pleasure to work with.." Christina Goette, Sr. Health Program Planner, San Francisco Department of Public Health